Argan Oil

Rich in vitamin E, omega 6 and 9, body moisturizer. Tonic for the body’s immunity, effective anti-aging skin, cracks and pregnancy lines on the skin of the abdomen. An excellent hair nourishment that completely eliminates dandruff.



Argan oil is one of the oils rich in vitamin E, omega 6 and 9, essential mental acids, and many other substances. Argan oil is used as a full body moisturizer. Tonic for the body’s immunity. It protects the skin from drying out and strengthens the nails. Thanks to its richness in antioxidants, it is an effective anti-aging skin, cracks and pregnancy lines on the skin of the abdomen. An excellent hair nourishment that completely eliminates dandruff. It strengthens hair and gives it shine and silky texture, helps to eliminate pimples and protect the skin from infections. It can be used to clean skin and remove acne scars. Therapeutic properties: Argan oil is also useful for relieving joint pain and rheumatism. Argan oil helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body Argan oil is a facilitator for digestion Anti-cough Eczema and psoriasis. Reduces high blood pressure argan oil anti-cancer for external use