Rocket Oil

‘- Nourishes and moisturizes dry and brittle hair.
– Clean the scalp from bacteria and dandruff.
– It also stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
– Sexual tonic for men because it contains B5
– An antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects body cells from damage that free radicals can cause and thus protects against chronic diseases.
– Improving heart health reduces harmful cholesterol.
– Treat anemia that increases the hemoglobin level in the blood because it is rich in iron.
– It is easy to digest because it contains fiber.




Properties For hair:
– Nourishes and moisturizes dry and brittle hair.
– Clean the scalp from bacteria and dandruff.
– It also stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

– Sexual tonic for men because it contains B5
– An antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects body cells from damage that free radicals can cause and thus protects against chronic diseases.
– Improving heart health reduces harmful cholesterol.
– Treat anemia that increases the hemoglobin level in the blood because it is rich in iron.
– It is easy to digest because it contains fiber.

External Use:
Massage the scalp and wipe the entire hair, stay on the hair for 3-4 hours, then wash.

Internal Use:
Teaspoon in the morning and evening per day.

– Children under 5 years.
– During pregnancy, it can stimulate menstruation and thus miscarriage.
– Do not use with sexual stimulants.
– Avoid using it with warfarin as it reduces its effectiveness
– It is not used for kidney patients and those with stomach ulcers.

Side effects:
No side effects.