Basil Oil

Basil Oil is good for:
The treatment undigested indigestion, flatulence by mix it with other oils and massage the pain area.
Give comfortable and recovery, relaxing, put it with your shower pool, treats bruising, arthritis, skin disease especially scalp with fungal infection, treats acne, warts and blisters , keep mosquitoes and insects away.



Basil Oil is good for:
The treatment undigested indigestion, flatulence by mix it with other oils and massage the pain area.
Give comfortable and recovery, relaxing, put it with your shower pool, treats bruising, arthritis, skin disease especially scalp with fungal infection, treats acne, warts and blisters , keep mosquitoes and insects away.

Internal Use:
Ask doctor before.

External Use:
Applied to skin once daily aromatherapy massage

Side effects:
None in case of adherence to the dose and method of use.

– Large amounts can be toxic.
– Patients with fluidized: ( aspirin, Plavix).
– Please test the oil on a patch of skin before use.

Keep in a cool dry place out of reach of children.